Dr. Marian Klingebiel
E-Mail klingebiel@unverzagt.law
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Telephone +49.40.414000-0 Fax +49.40.414000-40
Copyright, media and press law
- Advising on general copyright and media law issues including the drafting and revising of contracts.
- Advice and representation for corporations and individuals in the online, advertising and film sector.
- Advice to manufacturers and dealers of products containing open source software.
- Representation of manufacturers and dealers of electronic storage devices regarding copyright levies.
- Advice to online-gaming operators.
- Advising on press law and reputation management.
Unfair Competition Law
- Advice and court representation of online retailers regarding Competition Law issues, in particularly:
- The liability of platform operators.
- Selective distribution systems.
- Use of language assistants: consumer law; data privacy and unfair competition law.
- Fixed book price legislation.
- Secondary online ticketing platforms and selective distribution.
Online marketing, Data protection and the law of the new media
- IP/IT-Law including advice on IT-contracts.
- Advising on questions relating to data protection and the new EU General Data Protection Regulation.
- Representation of national and international companies in the media and communication sectors:
- Advertising and online agencies, online marketers, behavioral targeting companies, and media agencies.
- IPTV platforms, video on demand platforms, content providers and Web 2.0 platforms.
Foreign languages
- English
- Research associate und PhD at the University of Göttingen.
- Legal trainee to the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court.
- Lawyer with an international law firm in the field of media & technologies.
- Visiting lawyer in London and Cape Town.
- Lawyer with a leading law firm in Hamburg in media and reputation law.
- Wikis und Urheberrecht – Lösung über Lizenzierung? in: Nutzergenerierte Inhalte als Gegenstand des Privatrechts (wikis and copyright – solution via licensing? in: user generated content in civil law), MPI Studies on Intellectual Property, Competition and Tax Law, 2010
- Case Comment on LG Hamburg, Urteil vom 3.9.2010, Az. 308 O27/09, in: Computer und Recht 2010, S. 818 – 825
- Rechtsprobleme des Web 2.0 - Blogs, Wikis und Videoportale, 2015 (legal problems of the web 2.0 – blogs, wikis and video portals)