Dr. Lukas Mezger

E-Mail mezger@unverzagt.law
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Telephone +49.40.414000-0 Fax +49.40.414000-42
IT and data protection law
- special focus on online and communication matters, especially for the following sectors:
- online marketing (ad tech)
- eCommerce
- eHealth
- Big Data and AI, especially in banking and insurance
- drafting and revising contracts and standard clauses
- GDPR compliance certifications
Copyright and media law
- special focus on corporations and individuals in the film, advertising and online sectors, especially artists and agencies
- drafting and revising contracts and standard clauses
Foreign languages
- English
- Italian
- French
- 2006–2011 Bucerius Law School, Hamburg and Libera Università degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli, Rome
- 2011 First legal state exam at the Hanseatic higher regional court
- 2011–2013 Legal trainee to the Hanseatic higher regional court, including posts at the Northern German Broadcasting Corporation (NDR, Hamburg) and at the Wikimedia Foundation (San Francisco)
- 2014 Admission to the Hamburg bar
- 2016 Ph.D. in copyright and design law, Christian Albrecht University of Kiel
- 2021 IAPP Certified Information Privacy Professional (Europe)
- Die Schutzschwelle für Werke der angewandten Kunst im deutschen und europäischen Recht (The Threshold of Originality for Works of Applied Art in German and European Law), V&R 2017.
- (with Tobias Lutzi) Wikipedia und Rechtsvergleichung, in: von Schlieffen/Fischer (eds.), Tagungsband zum interdisziplinären Symposium 'Rechtsquelle Wikipedia? Praxis–Fiktionen–Standards', pp. 17–25 (PDF).
- (with Leonard Dobusch) Öffentlich-rechtlicher Mehr-Wert: „Terra X“ wird Wikipedia, Der Tagesspiegel, 3 January 2020 (online)
- Tanja Podolski: "Wir haben eine Verantwortung als Organe der Rechtspflege", Legal Tribune Online, 19.3.2021 (interview, online)
- Facebook darf persönlichkeitsrechtsverletzende Beiträge löschen („Musel“) (review of OLG Rostock, case no. 2 U 19/20), GRUR-Prax 2021, 384
- DS-GVO-Schadensersatzanspruch gegen Behörde ist Amtshaftungsanspruch (review of FG Berlin-Brandenburg, case no. 16 K 16155/21), GRUR-Prax 2022
- Anspruch eines Mörders auf Entfernung aus Google-Suchindex nach Art. 17 DS-GVO erfordert Einzelfallabwägung (review of BGH, case no. VI ZR 832/20), GRUR-Prax 2022
- (with Viktoria and und Jennifer Seyderhelm) Die klimafreundliche Kanzlei – ein Projekt für alle, AnwBl 2023, 419-422 (online)
- "Steamboat Willie" – Schutzfrist abgelaufen? NJW-Aktuell, 2024, 15 (online)
- Italienische "Postkarten-Steuer": Gemeinfreie Werke unter Gebührenzwang, Netzpolitik.org, 5 May 2024 (online)
Honorary positions
- co-chair of the intellectual property and media law group, Bucerius Alumni
- deputy chair of the supervisory board, Science Media Center Germany
- member of the advisory board for diversity, Public Film Fund for Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein
- member of the Sustainable Digital Advertising Lab, German Association for the Digital Economy (IAB Germany)
- member of the board, pension fund for the Hamburg bar
- (until September 2022) member of the board, Lawyers for Future Germany
- (until May 2022) chair of the supervisory board, Wikimedia Deutschland