Ina-Mara Helbig
Trademark law
- Comprehensive advice on protecting trademarks, devising registration strategies and handling world-wide trademark portfolios
- Enforcing trademark and title rights through litigation and alternative dispute resolution
- Fighting product piracy and co-ordinating EU wide border confiscation procedures
- Appraising trademark portfolios
Design rights
- Comprehensive advice on registering designs
- Pursuing design right infringements through alternative dispute resolution and litigation
- Drafting contracts
Competition law
- Pursuing competition law infringements through alternative dispute resolution and litigation
- Drafting legal opinions
Foreign languages
- English
- Legal Studies at the University of Augsburg with a year abroad spent in the USA
- Practical legal training at the Higher Regional Court of Munich, including an international placement in Australia
- Many years of experience gained at a well-known IP firm in Munich
- 2008 – Certified Specialist Intellectual Property Lawyer
Profil on "Who's Who Legal": WWL says: Ina-Mara Helbig is a widely respected trademarks expert who is considered "a formidable opponent" by peers.
- "Insbesondere", "in particular" - "Jeder weiß um die Bedeutung dieser Wendungen im Markenrecht - Oder doch nicht?" (Everyone understands the meaning of "insbesondere" and "in particular" in trade mark law – or maybe not?) MarkenR, 2009, p.155-156
- Leading the lecture series on trademark law within the course on "Managing Patents & Licences" at the Management Center Innsbruck (MCI) until 2010
- GRUR, (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht), the German Society for Intellectual Property and Copyright
- INTA (International Trademark Association), member of INTA’s Trademark Administrators Committee for the period 2014-2015 and 2016-2017 as well as Anticounterfeiting Committee 2018-2019
- PTMG (Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group)