Dr. Mina Kianfar
Lawyer and Partner

E-Mail kianfar@unverzagt.law
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Telephone +49.40.414000-0 Fax +49.40.414000-40
Copyright and Music Law
- Representation before national courts, the Arbitration Board under the CMO Act and the CJEU including, inter alia, disputes regarding copyright levies on electronic storage devices and the transmission of TV signals in hospitals
- Court representation in disputes between manufacturers and retailers dealing in products containing open source software; comprehensive advice regarding the use of content licensed under a Creative Commons License
- Advising and representing online gaming operators
- Contract drafting and advising in the field of music law, in particular regarding the implementation of a global streaming platform
Law of Unfair Competition and False Advertising
- Ongoing advice relating to law on advertising including, inter alia, price indications, information requirements, book price fixing, and gambling law
- Review and assessment of advertising campaigns including Product placement, social media, and influencer marketing
- Advising and representing online retailers regarding:
- intermediary liability
- selective distribution systems
- data privacy and consumer protection related to the use of language assistants
- distribution restrictions on secondary ticket markets
Antitrust – Cartel Damages
- Advising and representing in disputes on antitrust restrictions, in particular regarding retail pricing, the issuing of recommendations by industry associations, and access to online trading platforms
- Court representation in disputes on cartel damages
Foreign languages
- English
- French
- Farsi
- Legal studies at the Humboldt University of Berlin
- Recipient of a scholarship from the DFG, doctoral student at the KIT and MPI for Innovation and Competition
- Dr. jur. from the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg
- Sachfotografie und Hausrecht – Rechtliche Grenzen der Propertisierung, 2015, Dissertation, reviewed by Hans-Jürgen Ahrens, AcP 215 (2015), 760; Regina Giebelhaus, K&R 2016, X-XI; Stephan Szalai, ZUM 2017, 87 and Michael Goldhammer, ZGE 2018, 115
- Die Wirkung einer virtuellen Hausordnung am Beispiel des Screen Scraping, Tagungsband Herbstakademie 2014: BIG DATA & Co – Neue Herausforderungen für das Informationsrecht, 2014, 821
- Öffentliche Zugänglichmachung und dann? – Zur Frage der Anschlussnutzung iRd § 52a UrhG, GRUR 2012, 691
- Urheberrecht in digitalisierter Wissenschaft und Lehre, Öffentliche Wissenschaft und Neue Medien – Die Rolle der Web 2.0-Kultur in der Wissenschaftsvermittlung, 2012, 149
- Die Weitersenderechte für den Betrieb des Online-Videorecorders (OVR) – Zugleich Besprechung von OLG Dresden, Urt. v. 12.07.2011 14 U 801/07 – save.tv; GRUR-RR 2011, 393
- Der Online-Videorecorder – Urheberrecht als Innovationsbremse?, Tagungsband Herbstakademie 2011: Die Welt im Netz – Folgen für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, 2011, 21
- Case Comment on CJEU, judgment of 8.11.2018, T-544/13 (C-44/16) – Dyson/Europäische Kommission, GRUR-Prax 2018, 560
- Case Comment on CJEU, judgment of 25.07.2018, C-632/16 – Dyson/BSH, GRUR-Prax 2018, 447
- Case Comment on CJEU, judgment of 29.11.2017, C-265/16 – VCAST/RTI, GRUR 2018, 68
- Case Comment on BGH, judgment of 30.04.2014, I ZR 224/12 – Flugvermittlung im Internet, GRUR 2014, 790