Dr. Sebastian Rengshausen

E-Mail rengshausen@unverzagt.law
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Telephone +49.40.414000-0 Fax +49.40.414000-42
Copyright and privacy law
- Advising and supporting photographers, designers and illustrators
- Drafting copyright and licensing agreements
- Advising picture and design agencies
Competition and advertising law
- Advising and supporting leading advertising agencies and advertisers in the development of communication tools
- Legal opinions on advertising campaigns
- Extensive experience in asserting and defending competition claims before the courts
Trademark law (trademarks, industrial designs/designs, utility models)
- Advice on optimising the protection of (business) innovations
- Strategic advice on identifying, launching, registering, and licensing trademarks,
- Legal opinions on trademark searches
- Acting in registration and complaint procedures before the German Patent and Trademark Office (DPMA), EU Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market (OHIM) and the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)
- Acting in infringement procedures (with either an active or a passive power of attorney under German law)
Labour Law
- Legal advice and drafting of contracts
- Representation of employers and employees in and out of court
Foreign languages
- English
- 1991-1995 studies at the Albert Ludwigs University of Freiburg im Breisgau, including a year abroad
- 1993-1994 year abroad at the Universtà Degli Studi di Padova (Erasmus scholarship)
- 1995-1997 studies at the Christian Albrechts University of Kiel; First State Law Examination
- 1996-1997 study project in "New Media" – the "Tagesspiegel" at the Institute for Communication History and Applied Cultural Studies, Free University of Berlin
- 1998 visiting student undertaking postgraduate research at the School of Law, New York University
- 2000-2002 producer und developer at Filmvergnügen Produktions GmbH, Ludwigsburg und Berlin
- 2003-2005 practical legal training in Baden-Württemberg und Brussels, Second State Examination in Law
- 2005-2008 Attorney in der IP law firm MILLER Rechtsanwälte, Freiburg
- 2009 Certified Specialist Intellectual Property Lawyer
- "Markenschutz von Gerüchen - Untersuchung des deutschen, französischen und europäischen Rechts mit Ausblicken ins Patent- und Urheberrecht", (Trademark Protection for Smells – an Investigation of German, French, and European rights, in light of Patent and Copyright Law) V&R-Verlag 2004 (Thesis.)
- Various talks and presentations e.g. to the Federal Association of Medium-sized Enterprises) (BVMW) und regular publications in the specialist press
- HAV, the Hamburg Association of Lawyers
- GRUR, (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht), the German Society for Intellectual Property and Copyright
- ECTA, the European Communities Trade Mark Association)
- PTMG, the Pharmaceutical Trade Marks Group
- DAV-AGEM, the German Bar Association and member of the working group on intellectual property and media
- NVFGR, (Norddeutscher Verband der Fachanwälte für Gewerblichen Rechtsschutz e.V.), the North German Association of Specialist Intellectual Property Lawyers
- German-Italian Jurists’ Association
- DGPh, the German Photography Society