Kurt-Michael Loitz (Of Counsel)

E-Mail loitz@unverzagt.law
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Telephone +49.2234.933 5552 Fax +49.2234.933 6515
Kurt-Michael Loitz is of counsel at UNVERZAGT as of January 1, 2020.
Copyright, Licensing and Media Law
- Regularly advising television companies, platform operators, freelance authors and artists
- Representing clients before the courts in media law and other matters.
- Drafting contracts
Advertising Law
- Advising television channels and media companies
- Representing the interests of clients before the courts
Press law and privacy law
- Advising photographers, artists and media companies
- Representing clients before the courts
- 1979 Diploma in Law D.E.U.G., University of Paris I – Sorbonne (Université de Paris I - Sorbonne Diplôme d’Etudes Universitaires, mention Droit)
- 1982 First State Law Examination, University of Mainz
- 1986 Second State Law Examination, Higher Regional Court, Frankfurt
- 1983 - 1985 Associate at the law firm of Franzen und Partner, Wiesbaden
- 1986 Associate at the firm of Guy & Gilbert, Montréal, Québec Canada
- 1986 - 1988 Lawyer for RTLplus in Luxemburg
- 1988 - 2000 latterly Director Legal Affairs RTL Deutschland, Cologne
- since 1994 Advisory Board Member of the Verwertungsgesellschaft der Film- und Fernsehproduzenten mbH (VFF), the collecting society for film and television producers
- 1998 - 2001 expert on intellectual property for the European Phare and Tacis Programme in various Eastern European Countries (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Ukraine)
- since 2000 Attorney at the law firm Loitz in Cologne
- since 2006 Attorney at UNVERZAGT VON HAVE
- "So wehrt man sich gegen Ladendiebe – Arbeitsweise und Abwehr professioneller Ladendiebe" (How to protect yourself against shoplifters – the working methods and defences against professional shoplifters), BBE-Verlag, Cologne 1987
- "Eine juristische Gebrauchsanleitung für die Gestaltung von Sponsor-Hinweisen" (A Legal Instruction Manual for Creating References To Sponsors", TeleImages 1992
- "Publicité et Audiovisuel: La Réglementation du contenu du message publicitaire en Allemagne" (Advertising and the Audio Visual: the Regulation of Content in Advertising Messages in Germany” Presses Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille Economica, Aix-en-Provence / Paris 1993
- "Vergleichende Werbung: Der neue Werbespaß" (Comparative Advertising: the New Advertising Jape), TeleImages 1999
- "Gesichtsdiebstahl und Namensklau - Testimonialwerbung", (Theft of Face and Theft of Name: Testimonial Advertising”) TeleImages 2001
- "Werberecht A-Z", "The A-Z of Advertising Law” Rundfunkwerberecht (Broadcast Advertising Law), Carl Heymanns Verlag, 2004
- "Untersuchung zur Entwicklung neuer Werbetechniken in Deutschland", (Study on the Development of New Advertising Techniques in Germany) Report for the European Commission, 2004
Lectures and talks
- Various lecturing activities and talks, including:
- HFF –University of Film and Television, Munich
- Düsseldorf Polytechnic, Media Department
- School of Journalism, Cologne
- "Towards a European advertising regime", MedienForum (Media Forum) Berlin Brandenburg, 1995
- "How Will Relations between Cable Operators and Programme Providers develop in the Next Five Years?", European Cable Communication Exhibition, London 1995
- Copyright Protection of TV-broadcasts, Ukraine: “Practical Aspects of the Cooperation between Cable Operators, Programme Providers and Rightholders and Satellite Broadcasting and the Relation between Cable Operators and Rightholders", Kiev und Yalta, Ukraine 2001
- Cable & Copyright in the Digital Era, ECCA Conference, Prague, 2003
- Memberships
- Cologne Lawyers Association