Dr. Frank Eickmeier
E-Mail eickmeier@unverzagt.law
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Telephone +49.40.414000-34 Fax +49.40.414000-41
Advertising, Online marketing, Data protection
- Advising advertising and online agencies, online marketers, behavioral targeting companies, and media agencies on the characteristic issues arising in the offline and online world.
- Advising on all questions relating to data protection, international data transfers, customer and employee data protection, and online and mobile data protection.
- Advising on the new EU General Data Protection Regulation, the EU-US Privacy Shield Framework, data protection quality marks, the OBA icon, etc.
- Drafting contracts for advertisers and publishers, marketing agreements, and data protection strategies, in particular for behavioral targeting companies
- Reviewing online and offline (advertising) campaigns
- Protecting and registering industrial IP rights, in particular, trademarks, titles and slogans
The law of the new media, new TV, IP/IT
- Supporting interactive IPTV platforms, video on demand platforms, content providers and Web 2.0 platforms
- Drafting IT infrastructure agreements, software production agreements, licensing agreements, escrow agreements und outsourcing agreements
- Acting for national and international companies in the media and communications sector
- Copyright, press and media law (TV, Film and Entertainment)
- Advising on the law relating to the press and on reputation management
- Advising on all general copyright law issues
- Supporting design and creative agencies
- Advising TV channels and film and TV producers on all difficulties arising in relation to broadcasting and media law
- Advising actors, artists and authors in relation to all legal issues
- Advising on matters arising in relation to music law, for example, artist contracts, recording contracts and publishing questions.
Foreign languages
- English
- From 1989, legal studies at the Universities of Passau, Munich and Hamburg
- Received doctorate in law (Dr. jur., magna cum laude)
- 2011 accredited expert at the ULD (the Independent Regional Centre for Data Protection in Kiel)
- "Der gesetzliche Rechtsschutz von Fernsehshowformaten" (The Statutory Protection of Television Show Formats), Zeitschrift für Urheber- und Medienrecht (ZUM) (Journal of Copyright and Media Law), 1994
- "Das Lied eines Boxers", Zur Reichweite des § 1 k des GEMA-Berechtigungsvertrages ("The Song of a Boxer": the Scope of Paragraph 1(k) of the GEMA Deed of Assignment), Zeitschrift für Urheber- und Medienrecht (ZUM) (Journal of Copyright and Media Law), 1995
- "Die rechtlichen Grenzen des Doku-Dramas" (“The Legal Parameters of the Docudrama”), Zeitschrift für Urheber- und Medienrecht (ZUM) (Journal of Copyright and Media Law), 1998, Page 1 ff.
- Regular contributions to the specialist magazines “Filmecho” und “E-Market”
- Presserecht (The Law Relating to the Press) in: Rechtshandbuch E-Business (The Legal Handbook of E-Business), Munich 2001 (Eds.: Kaminski, Henßler, Kolaschnik, Papathoma-Baetge)
- "Ist der Formatschutz am Ende?" (Is the Protection of Show Formats Over?), GRUR 2008, 755
- "Datenschutzkonforme Nutzerprofile im Internet" (Data Protection Compliant User Profiles in the Internet), in: „Zukunft des Online-Marketing: Targeting und Controlling“, (The Future of Online Marketing: Targeting and Controlling) Gabler Verlag, 2011.
Lectures and talks
- Institute for Cultural and Media Management, Hamburg
- Hamburg Media School
- Erich Pommer Institute, Potsdam-Babelsberg
- Motion Picture Fund Hamburg Schleswig Holstein
- Hamburg@Work
- University for Music and Theatre
- VDZ Zeitschriftenakademie (Magazine Academy)
- Member of the BVDW, specialist focus groups Targeting and Mobile
- Member of the technical committee for copyright and media law at the Hanseatic Bar
- Accredited expert at the Independent Regional Centre for Data Protection in Kiel (ULD)